Crowdhelix success stories

    Crowdhelix workshop leads to Pathfinder collaboration

    October 2021

    "Following the Crowdhelix Pathfinder Helix workshop, FRESCI was connected to an emerging consortium in translational biomedicine ...this proposal is now submitted and FRESCI is delighted to be part of the consortium playing an integral innovation management role."

    Marco Straccia CEO

  • Tiga Information Technologies

    Crowdhelix matches new network member to a Horizon consortium in two weeks

    September 2021

    "We are very pleased to have recently joined the Crowdhelix Open Innovation Network. In fact it only took 2 weeks for us to be profiled and matched to a Horizon Europe coordinator, and we are now in our first consortium facilitated by Crowdhelix. We look forward to engaging more in the platform, raising our profile and connecting our skills and capabilities with world leading research organisations and innovative companies."

    Safak Bayal Horizon Europe Manager

  • North Carolina State University

    Crowdhelix matches for a successful EV/Battery proposal

    August 2021

    "Thank you to Crowdhelix for helping me match with a world leading research organisation in Spain which helped form part of my Horizon 2020 proposal (on Electrical Vehicles & Rechargeable Batteries). I am delighted to confirm that this proposal has now been funded, and the project has been launched in collaboration with the European Commission."

    Professor Meltem Yanilmaz Department of Nano-Engineering

  • Vytautas Magnus University

    Pathfinder Helix Webinar provides valuable insight

    August 2021

    "The Pathfinder Helix webinar was almost perfect for me. I always had questions on communication and dissemination activities, management of intellectual property in the projects related to the technologies at low TRL (up to TRL4). Most of them were answered and I noted some important insights for the future."

    Dr Darius Milčius Director, Research & Innovations Department

  • Izmir Institute of Technology

    Crowdhelix matches experts to secure Horizon funds

    July 2021

    "Thank you to Crowdhelix for helping me match with experts and ultimately secure funding from Horizon 2020 for a state of the art project in addressing dental demineralisation and tooth decay."

    Professor Deniz Yucesoy Principal Investigator – Yucesoy Research Group

  • EURAC Research

    Crowdhelix supports successful nature-based solutions proposal

    June 2021

    "Many thanks to Crowdhelix for contributing towards a recently funded proposal on the activation of nature-based solutions by ensuring a just transition to low carbon cities, based on the principle of the right to ecological space. Crowdhelix's work, as WP leader, will be focussed on community building and impact acceleration. The activation of a wide range and various actors and the uptake of the project results can especially build on its comprehensive experience of facilitating virtual network helixes for project synergies and match-making."

    Professor Sonia Gantioler Institute for Renewable Energy

  • LEITAT Technological Center

    Crowdhelix connects collaborators for EIC Pathfinder proposals

    May 2021

    "Thanks to the Crowdhelix’s ability to link organizations with different profiles and expertises in no time, LEITAT was able to successfully participate in 2 excellent EIC Pathfinder proposals, joining forces with the University of Rome, acting as an excellent coordinator. I am convinced that the Crowdhelix network will keep helping us connect with the right partners for future collaborations."

    Mireia Giménez Barcons, PhD, MBI Senior Project Manager - Health Sector

  • Brunel University London

    Crowdhelix facilitates connections for CHANSE proposal

    May 2021

    "A couple of months ago I was working on a CHANSE proposal on the role of digitalisation in reducing late life inequalities and was urgently looking for PIs to join my project. After posting my partner search on the Crowdhelix platform, I was quickly matched with collaborators from Spain and Sweden who had the relevant expertise and experience in international collaborative projects. We submitted the proposal in May and are now awaiting the results. I highly recommend Crowdhelix for searching research partners. In fact, I have already recommended it to my colleagues and research partners."

    Weifeng Chen Senior Lecturer in Innovation Management

Showing 49-56 from 108