Crowdhelix success stories
  • Universita degli Studi di Milano

    Crowdhelix links multiple excellent institutions for Horizon Europe proposal

    June 2022

    "After we posted our interest in building a consortium for one of the upcoming Horizon Europe Cluster 2 calls on the Crowdhelix platform, we received numerous messages from universities across Europe interested in collaborating with us. I am pleased to report that last month we submitted a proposal focused on the role of perceptions shaping European societies together with four other Crowdhelix members. Many thanks to the Crowdhelix Network for helping us to connect with excellent institutions in the UK, Netherlands, Portugal, and Israel."

    Deborah De Luca Research Advisor

  • Associação Fraunhofer Portugal Research

    Crowdhelix connects data expertise across Portugal, UK, and Turkey

    May 2022

    "After disclosing on the Crowdhelix platform my interest in finding partners for a Horizon Europe proposal in multi-party computation, data anonymization, and synthetic data, many relevant organizations reached out to me. We invited two of those organizations (one from the UK and another one from Turkey), which were of great importance to creating a strong consortium. I will certainly keep using Crowdhelix to identify further cooperation opportunities.”

    João Rodrigues Research Funding Advisor

  • Universidade de Lisboa

    Crowdhelix connects specialist underwater acoustics expertise

    May 2022

    "Earlier this year we were developing a project idea focused on detecting & imaging microparticles in the ocean & were urgently looking for an underwater acoustics expert. After our search was posted on Crowdhelix we were quickly contacted by several organisations with relevant expertise. I am pleased to confirm that we submitted a proposal for the EIC Pathfinder Open call with Crowdhelix and one of their SME members that contacted us through the platform. Many thanks to Crowdhelix for helping us put this excellent consortium together & supporting the impact acceleration part of our proposal."

    Leonardo Azevedo Assistant Professor, Instituto Superior Técnico

  • Farplas Otomotiv

    Crowdhelix matches partner to two consortia

    April 2022

    "Through the Crowdhelix platform, Farplas was able to connect with an NTNU led consortium focused on the CL4 call for tackling gender, race and other biases in AI. This proposal was successfully submitted in October 2021 and funded in March of 2022. This excellent connection and subsequent success was made possible through our engagement as members of Crowdhelix. We currently have one further proposal pending evaluation following connections made through the platform and have fingers crossed for another good result."

    Emre Elmas Fundraising & Project Responsible

  • Brunel University of London

    Crowdhelix matches four organisations to food traceability proposal

    March 2022

    "Following my post on the Crowdhelix platform, I was contacted by a number of organisations interested in teaming up and targeting a Farm2Fork call focused on food traceability. I am pleased to report that we invited four of these organisations to join our consortium and submitted the proposal together last month. Many thanks to Crowdhelix for connecting me to excellent collaborators in Italy, Spain, Slovenia and Israel."

    Manoj Dora Reader in Operations and Supply Chain Management

  • Tilburg University

    Crowdhelix matches partners for a decarbonisation proposal awarded full marks

    February 2022

    "Many thanks to Crowdhelix for helping us match with partners and secure a recent Horizon Europe project focussed on decarbonisation strategies linked to the European Green Deal and how they intersect with all dimensions of inequality. The project scored full marks at evaluation stage. The consortium and I are very much looking forward to working on this new and exciting project."

    Professor Michiel Strapper Law Department

  • Open University

    Crowdhelix connects social media experts for COST project

    January 2022

    "I used Crowdhelix a couple of months ago when I was looking for social media technologies experts for my COST project. I'm pleased to say that I managed to connect with three cooperation partners through the platform really quickly. It has been really easy to use and helpful - I would recommend the platform to anyone searching for collaborators for their projects or proposals."

    Johannes Angermuller Professor of Discourse, Languages and Applied Linguistics

  • University of Witwatersrand

    Crowdhelix facilitates connections for a Africa-wide network on AI

    December 2021

    "We are very happy to report that following a post made on the Crowdhelix platform to help us look for partners to collaborate on a high profile Africa-wide network on Artificial Intelligence, the platform successfully sourced and matched us to a number of new organisations who have since joined our consortium, and who we are looking forward to collaborating with going forward. Many thanks to Crowdhelix for enabling these matches."

    Dr Dean Barrett Researcher, School of Chemistry

Showing 41-48 from 113