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David Langley
United Kingdom
David Langley brings 35 years of experience from globally leading higher education institutes, private sector, Research Council, and Government and he was until recently Chief of External Engagement and Partnerships at New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE). He brings a broad understanding of institutional transformation, change and growth, including in terms of governance and Board level, was executive lead for EDI, and has unique senior perspective of working within, across and externally to an organisation and driving strategic change and purpose through becoming a disruptor. He led on establishing over 400 partnerships de novo with businesses (large and small), local authorities, central Government, other education providers and communities, and on civic engagement. In addition to working with the NMITE Board at an executive level, he has been a member of Hereford Stronger Towns Board, and was previously Chair of Board of Trustees of University College of Osteopathy, London. He is currently a route panel member for Education at the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, and a Governor of Hereford Sixth Form College. Previous roles have included Deputy Chief Scientific Advisor for Wales, Director of Research and Enterprise Development at Bristol University, Professor of Practice in Research and Innovation at Cardiff University, Director of Research Services at Imperial College London and has worked for the Medical Research Council, NHS and in the private sector. David brings significant skills, experience and cultural understanding in the leadership and management HEIs and of research, enterprise and knowledge exchange; external engagement and creating business partnerships; impact measurement; establishing a range of partnerships with other education providers, community groups and working at senior levels of local and central government; developing and leading successful external funding bids; peer to peer and group support at faculty and executive levels; regional and place-based regeneration; leadership, management and improvement across the institution, academy and professional services; and championing the role of skills, employability, including promoting social mobility, and the changing nature of work.
EMDESK Project & Work Management Software EMDESK Project & Work Management Software
EMDESK is a software company that provides a single, flexible project and work management platform that unifies planning, controlling, execution, and collaboration in projects and portfolios. It helps teams and stakeholders to work together, even across organisations, while maintaining maximum control and transparency. Hosted and developed in Germany, EMDESK guarantees the highest security standards. EMDESK conducts research projects in the fields of AI, machine learning and deep learning with the aim of improving tools for better project planning, proposal writing and project execution. In collaboration with experts and professionals, we have built the EMDESK Academy, a public knowledge resource with webinars and articles.
HELPEU are a team of experts in European funding. We provide full proposal-writing support to Research Organisations (Universities, RTOs) and innovative companies to drive successful Horizon Europe applications. HELPEU can also act as a strategic impact partner, offering expertise in project coordination, communication, and dissemination. HELPEU helps its clients to find funding opportunities aligned with their strengths, build interdisciplinary consortia, and prepare strategic applications on time - all thanks to a detailed writing plan, proposal monitoring, regular meetings, and close contact and communication.
LAZIO INNOVA, an in-house company of the Lazio Region, in which the Chamber of Commerce of Rome also holds a minority stake, is the result of the reorganisation process of the Lazio Region's companies dedicated to innovation, credit and economic development. It works for the benefit of businesses and local public administration in the provision of incentives from regional, national and/or European resources; in credit support and the issuing of guarantees; in venture capital interventions; in services for internationalisation, the promotion of business networks and regional excellence; in services for business start-ups and development; in measures for social inclusion. It performs specialist technical assistance functions to the Lazio Region, with particular reference to the implementation of European and national programming, supporting the Cabina di regia for the implementation of regional and European policies in the definition and implementation of the Unified Regional Plan of regional and European policies and in the coordination of programming, management, operation, monitoring and control of regional programmes co-financed by Community Funds (ERDF, ESF+, EMFF and EAFRD), by the Development and Cohesion Fund (FSC) and by other Community and national resources allocated to Lazio. It is responsible for the implementation of specific development and internationalisation projects on behalf of the Region.