Understanding training needs in citizen science for researchers
Seeking collaborator:
Seeking expertise:
The European Citizen Science project, together with the European Citizen Science Academy, are conducting a survey with Marie Curie Alumni Association to understand training needs of researchers in citizen science. This addresses researchers at all levels (from PhD to professors) in different disciplines.
If you are a researcher and/or know of researchers interested in integrating citizen science in their research - let them know via this survey what type of training you would need in order to do this.
The results of the survey will be used to understand training needs, training gaps and to develop pertinent online/in-person training material. These endeavours are in collaboration with a network of citizen science educators and trainers, and relevant/interested research performing organisations.
In addition, via this survey, they would like to create a network of researchers that are currently or would be interested in using CS.
Survey link: https://mariecuriealumni.qualt...
The survey closes on the 11th of September.
For any questions, please write to Cléa Montanari at clea.montanari@learningplaneti...