Opportunity for the HORIZON-MISS-2024-NEB-01-02 funding call

New governance models for the co-design and co-construction of public spaces in neighbourhoods by communities


September 19, 2024

Project types:

  1. HORIZON-IA HORIZON Innovation Actions

Project Proposal

The call HORIZON-MISS-2024-NEB-01-02 has been scheduled to close, so this opportunity is no longer current.

For this Horizon call, UHasselt’s Faculty of Architecture and Arts (ARK) would like to offer its expertise in participatory design (PD) and participatory action research in the context of spatial transformations with a specific focus on vulnerable and ‘silent’ actors (e.g. more-than-human actors). We have several ongoing case-based projects on PD, involving long-lasting partnerships with different actor groups (citizens, governments, …) in different cities and municipalities in Belgium, that seamlessly fit in this call.

Through its explicit civic focus and creative-critical perspective, ARK engages in fundamental and applied research that supports and enables sustainable cultural and spatial transitions. NEB’s values strongly resonate with our research which covers a range of topics (designing for positive impact, well-being & diversity, civic & policy design, crafts & cultural memory, adaptive re-use & heritage,..) and is known for its innovative research methods (participatory action research, live projects, artistic research, research by design, critical-creative writing...). ARK collaborates with external organizations, such as companies, governments, and non-profit/cultural organizations and is a trusted partner and coordinator in European and nationally funded projects. For instance, we are coordinator of MSCA-Doctoral Network ‘REWORLDING’, aiming to reposition participatory design to tackle socio-environmental challenges) and coordinator of Driving Urban Transitions (DUT)-partnership ‘LISTEN’ on collective listening to communities and spaces as a core capability in planning towards 15-minute suburban cities.

Sounds interesting? Do not hesitate to be in touch to further discuss the possibilities!