Project Proposal
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Hosting offers at Sabancı University-Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Cancer Research, Aging Lab.
Can act as:
Seeking expertise:
Sabanci University BIO program invites expressions of interest from researchers who wish to apply for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024. The deadline for the submission of expressions of interest to the Faculty is Monday 3 June (5pm BST).
The European Fellowships last for 12-24 months. Applicants should have a doctorate at the call deadline (11 September 2024) and no more than 8 years' full-time equivalent research experience from receipt of the doctorate.
Researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies etc.) in Turkey for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline.
Our projects focus on cancer resistance and the role of mitochondria in this process. In particular, we are working on (i) developing new drugs to target therapeutically resistant tumors; (ii) developing biosensors to study the metabolic shift towards a resistant phenotype and (iii) studying the molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial dysfunction associated with aging in selected organs.
Our school is among the best universities in Turkey with faculties all over the world. We provide a friendly research environment and necessary infrastructure. Our lab collaborates with Western University, Canada, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, University Federico II Naples, Italy.
Potential candidates should have a strong background in molecular biology or cancer biochemistry. Experience with CRISPR knock-in, viral delivery systems or mice work is an advantage. We are open to any new projects in this field.
How to apply?
Those interested should send (i) a 2-page outline of the proposed research; (ii) a 2-page CV including a list of publications; (iii) a short statement of support (400 words) from the proposed Faculty mentor, to Dr. Alex Lyakhovich - [email protected]... by the above deadline.